There seems to be a federal law requiring that department stores use lower-case sans serif type on a brown background for their signage; Macy's, JC Penney, Bloomingdale's, I'm sure there are a few others. Some stores violate the rule by using sans serif uppercase, like Robinsons/May and Nordstrom.
I figured that Costington's, the upscale store the Simpsons occasionally venture into, would probably follow the fashion, so my version of their logo uses Kabel Light, an inoffensive beige background, and a faceted diamond replacing the dot on the i.
Ah but you have forgotten Dillard's. The department store that uses serif and proper capitalization and punctuation.
And Belk also serif and (breaking all restraints) italic!
They don't have those stores in California. Oh, for a swash iotalic sign once in a while!