I decided to do a logo for
The Leftorium next because (a) it didn't really have one and (b) I'm left-handed.

One of my personal failings is difficulty remembering left from right. Partly because I'm right-eyed, so my brain is cross-wired, and partly because as a lefty I'm in the habit of automatically reversing anything I'm shown, so in my mind, left is right (and right is wrong). In order to get it right when I want left, I've developed the habit of looking at my hands to check directions. When thumb and forefinger are extended, the left hand makes an L. So that's the symbol I chose for my logo design.
The rest of the type was set in a rounded font to imitate the rounded fingertips. I used a font called Folks Heavy for that, because I liked the combination of rounded and squared-off edges.
I kept the orange color used on the sign in the episodes where the store has been shown, but decided to dump the wordy and dull descriptive line, "Everything for the Left-Handed Man, Woman and Child," substituting the shorter and mildly-punny "All That's Left."
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